If you enjoy Carmen et Error and are a writer/editor interested in gaining further experience with literary magazines, please apply to be a guest editor! We have been overwhelmed with interest for this role and have guest editors lined up until the end of 2025, so submissions are closed for this role at the moment. We hope to offer other opportunities soon.
Guest editors will be responsible for the final selections of pieces for a single issue of Carmen et Error. As Carmen only produces four issues a year, we open two spots open for guest editors per annum.
Send an email to carmenetsubmissions@gmail.com with the email title ‘Guest Editor’ including an expression of interest (no more than 400 words – short is fine!) and a writing/publishing CV. If you do not have a CV geared towards writing or publishing, feel free to send a slightly longer expression of interest. Also include which issue (spring, summer, autumn or winter) you’d like to guest edit. Ideas for themed calls are also welcome.
We’re particularly looking for guest editors who understand Carmen’s ethos, our love of strange little worlds, and a dedication to producing a small-scale high quality micro-journal.
You will have a first reader to help manage submissions and we wouldn’t expect the process to take more than ten hours total over the three months, but this does depend on the volume of submissions. We are happy for guest editors to apply as a pair or make any reasonable accomodations you might need to feel supported as one of our guest editors. If you have any queries about the process please email carmenetsubmissions@gmail.com.
The position is unpaid as Carmen et Error is run entirely out of pocket at the moment.
© The Braag CIC 2024